If you find slot machine from the 1930s or 1940s for less than $3,000, the chances are good it has been restored. Once a slot machine has been restored, the value of the machine decreases. Something relatively untouched or in mint condition is rare, however, they do exist. If you are interested in investing in an antique machine, look for one in original condition. Here are some tips to consider prior to purchasing one. In the antique world, the more original parts and features, the better. The newer machines from 1930 on, have more than likely been tinkered with and might have replacement parts. The antique slot machines tend to have original parts, as replacement parts weren’t common.
Slot machines built after 1930 are considered contemporary.
Do you have an old slot machine? Do you want one? If you do, it might be worth the search, as some can be worth quite a bit of money.